Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kim Jong Kook

One man: Kim Jong Kook oppa!

Raping the replay button~

Gonna start learning Korean next year!
Been looking up on short term Korean programs in Seoul for next year.

After doing my "research", I narrowed down to a few choices!
If I'm jobless after my 14 months contract ends in June 2014,
I will go to Korea for 5 weeks!

1) 5 weeks Sogang Korean Immersion Program (KIP)
Read this awesome blog:
Thank you for blogging about your trip!

2) 5 weeks Seoul National University (ISI)

3) 5 weeks Yonsei Summer Program

If I managed to secure a full time job after my contracts ends, I will go to Korea for 3 weeks.

1) Yonsei 3 weeks program

So excitedddddd~ excited for my next month's Japan trip too! :)