Sunday, August 06, 2006

i'm the 555th visitor -choir blog.

yesterday was the longest saturday in school. hahahas, from 11a.m to 5 plus. hahahas. 3GRACE people went back to do the SERVICE LEARNING project. went behind school twice to develop photos of alumni and church workers/staffs.

our human. it will be carrying a torch -fire/flame of legacy? LOL

yesterday was superband finals. MLB won. and wenya and cindy sms-ed me. they were so happy bah. both also sms-ed 'YAY MILUBING' hahahas. but AHH~ SOUL! sadded lahs. not that i dont like MLB. but i prefer SOUL. yep.

service learning project ending on tuesday bah? we all so goona MISS it. LOL. finally can relax. now my group having service learning msn chat, discussing on what to do. tomorrow also excused from choir. it's SERVICE LEARNING again. hahahas. SERVICE LEARNING. SERVICE LEARNING. SERVICE LEARNING~

off to reply tags(: and must study COREGEOG! AH~ killer paper! literature also!

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